Award Celebration 2021/2022
The Bernese Award for Environmental Research was granted for the 13th time on 5 May 2022 At the ceremony, laureates Kristina Rehberger and Elena Zepharovich were honoured by the University of Bern and the co-sponsors of the award, CSL Behring AG and Energie Wasser Bern.
Kristina Rehberger, winner of the Main Prize, introduced her paper titled "Long-term exposure to low 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) concentrations disrupts both the reproductive and the immune system of juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss". Elena Zepharovich, who won the Main Prize ex aequo, presented his PhD thesis titled „Deforestation and Environmental Justice in the Argentinean Chaco. Perceptions of land-use change and possible solutions”.